Why does your hotel’s online reputation matter this much to the visitors?
This means that your target audience is out there, online! looking at your online hotel reviews and guessing whether to do business with your hotel or not.

How can you maintain a good reputation for your hotel online?
Hear what your guests have to say– Now, this part is really easy. A good guest experience starts with the process of a customer booking a place in your hotel. Make sure your hotel staff takes good care of him and takes feedback for your services during their stay. This will keep you alerted about any relevant queries or concerns raised by the guest at that time. A guest with beautiful experience will definitely tell others about their stay in your hotel. These posts naturally turn into testimonials that tell a lot about your property.
Look at the positive in Negative reviews– Not all the guests who visit your hotel will be with your services. They may be less satisfied with the way you resolved their concern or didn’t provide a service they were expecting. And then, their dissatisfaction comes out in the form of negative online reviews.
Now, this can stress you a little, but you can always take advantage of such reviews by responding to them with a solution that addresses the issue. Be polite in your reply and try to understand if the concern they are raising is related to your services or others. If it is related to your services, then first apologize for the inconvenience and come up with a resolution of the problem.
This effort of yours will not go in vain as there will be other potential visitors out there who are looking at your response and the way you addressed the problem, and will feel positive towards doing business with you.
Start Automating your services– Technology has made it easy for hotels to manage their online reputation. There are new smart reputation management tools that hoteliers are finding useful in driving more online hotel bookings. You can use star ratings system for your guests rather than the conventional feedback form.
You can use tools like Review express by Tripadvisor which will help you to easily customize your emails to obtain feedback. The Property Management System can store and use this data for making future predictions. Automated emails are sent out as soon as the guest checks-out of the hotel. These processes will help in improving your Tripadvisor ratings which will generate more online hotel bookings for you.
A good online reputation for your hotel will have direct effect on your bookings and occupancy levels. Combine your services with technology and you can use online reviews to increase your business and stand out from the competition.